Live Fish Food & Cultures

24 products

24 products

Live fish food and cultures are an excellent way to provide your aquarium fish with a natural and highly nutritious diet. These live foods closely mimic what fish would eat in the wild, promoting better health, vibrant colors, and increased breeding success.


Popular options include:

Daphnia – Small water fleas that are rich in protein and great for fry and small fish.

Brine Shrimp – High in nutrients and ideal for both young and adult fish.

Microworms – A great first food for fish fry due to their small size.

Blackworms & Whiteworms – Excellent for conditioning fish and enhancing growth.

Vinegar Eels – Tiny, live food perfect for fry and small fish.


Culturing live food at home ensures a constant, fresh supply while reducing reliance on processed foods. It also enhances fish activity and hunting instincts, making your aquarium more dynamic and natural.